He was rich and powerful. It’s just like the ultra rich and powerful nowadays. These people can have almost everything in life. That was Buddha Gotama before he left home.
Yet, he abandoned everything and journeyed into spirituality. He unraveled life’s mysteries and revealed the Path that, if followed, will lead us to the same ultimate bliss and freedom that he realised. He called this enlightenment — the highest bliss, the deathless state, Nibbana.
What he went through in his spiritual journey was just mind-boggling. This is courage in the highest order.
Live Life Without Regrets
It’s not easy to be courageous like the Buddha. I’m certainly not. We’re afraid of the unknown.
That is understandable because most people are afraid. It’s much easier to live within our comfort zone. The problem is this comfort zone may not be what we really want to do with our lives.
Pause for a moment and deeply reflect, “Would you’ve done anything differently? Are there any regrets in your life?”
Die with no regrets. This is my proposition to you.
Here, the same question was posed to Bhante Dhammavuddho. I hope it inspires.