I am always curious what attracts people into spirituality, and why some choose to venture deep into it? What are the events that may trigger a human being to give up everything, and be committed onto a path that seems so different to the ways of the world?
His name was Goh Choon Hye. A rare breed. The Buddha described this supreme breed as the ‘good horse.’ He encountered the teachings of the Buddha at the age of 29, and renounced the world at 35. There was no fooling around. He was dead serious.
Choon Hye quickly made plans to settle his house, and gave part of the money to his mother and the rest was donated. I had the good fortune to meet up with his mother many years ago. Like all mothers in the world, I could immediately sense her love and longing towards his son when we were there. A most simple and nice lady. A caring mother. A loving mum.
His son took a different path that most will never even ponder about. The supreme path that leads to freedom. I am sure his father and mother did not really understand this. Bhante said tears swelled in his dad’s eyes when he mentioned about renunciation. I am sure all parents do, and all parents will. It must be tears so painful that flowed dry in their hearts.
But the world is just like this. So much pain. Slowly but surely, each and everyone of us will die. All our loved ones will die, no matter what we do. This was precisely the trigger for Choon Hye. A young man who saw the deva messengers, and he was shaken to the core. This blow was enough for him to take on the unconventional path, the path of the Arahants.

After graduation at 23 years old. A young Choon Hye with his father (Goh Teik Huat) and mother (Ong Saw Bee) who were Baba-Nonya. This was taken at his brother’s house at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Goh Choon Hye and his 6th sister, Goh Beng Gaik who is now Venerable Bhikkhuni Gotami. He was about 15 years old and his sister about 20.

In his early years as a renunciant, Choon Hye was a Samanera in the Mahayanist tradition in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, USA. He became very thin then, eating one vegetarian meal a day and sleeping while sitting up.

Choon Hye (at about 30 years old) with his friends (Paul and Annie) and his beloved dog. This was before his serious spiritual pursuit. His dog (Lulu) was very attached to him and one year after missing him, she refused food and died.